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7.3 Tests

M18 (basic.m)
Description: test the rules of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division for the "h" function.

M19 (errorfirst.m)
Description: estimate the upper limit of the error resulted from a considerably larger C for {E}_{(1)} (EQ 23, Page 20).

M20 (errorsecond.m)
Description: estimate the error resulted from the number of summation terms t for {E}_{(1)} (LN 7, Page 21).

M21 (testgamma.m)
Description: test ten cumulative distribution functions associated with the gamma function (C1-C10 in the supplementary material).

M22 (testgaussian.m)
Description: test eight cumulative distribution functions associated with the error function (C11-C18 in the supplementary material).

M23 (testbeta.m)
Description: test eight cumulative distribution functions associated with the beta function (C19-C26 in the supplementary material).

M24 (testhypergeo.m)
Description: test Student t distribution (associated with the hypergeometric function, C27 in the supplementary material).

M25 (testmarcumQ.m)
Description: test two cumulative distribution functions associated with the Marcum Q-function (C28-C29 in the supplementary material).

M26 (testTN.m)
Description: test the cumulative distribution function of the truncated normal distribution (C30 in the supplementary material).

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