Section 7 Appendices: Replication Notes
General Instruction: The follwong contains replication notes for all reported findings in the main text.
Replace "your directory" with your directory path where the files are stored.
Download all the replication files
**Section 1 Introduction
**14 models in Fordham and Walker's (2005) ISQ article
**Stata is applied
- Open "Replication_fwisq.txt" in the "Replication_fwisq" directory.
- Run all the commands in "Replication_fwisq.txt".
**Section 2.1 Boundary Violations
**Hypothetical Cases of Boundary Violations
**Matlab is applied
- Use the "Hypocase" directory.
- Run "ofb.m" in the Matlab environment.
**List of Hypothetical Cases
- Use the "Hypocase" directory.
- Open "List of Hypocases.xlsx".
**Section 2.3 Model Specification
**Maximual and Minimal Values of Dummy Variables
**Matlab is applied
- Use the "Hypocase" directory.
- Run "dummyvalue.m" in the Matlab environment.
**List of Maximual and Minimal Values of Dummy Variables
- Use the "Hypocase" directory.
- Open "List of Dummycases.xlsx".
**Section 4 Applying Constrained Optimization to the Panel Regression
**Model I-V in Table 1-3
**Table 1 is executed in Stata
**Table 2 is executed in Matlab
**Table 3 is executed in Matlab
**Model 1
- Use the "Xtreg" directory.
- Run all the commands in "replication_Hansford_Gomez.txt".
- Run "xtregbv.m" in the Matlab environment.
**Model 2
- Use the "Fixmin" directory.
- Run all the commands in "stata_fixmin.txt".
- Run "fixminreg.m" in the Matlab environment.
**Model 3
- Use the "LS1" directory.
- Run "LSxtreg.m" in the Matlab environment.
**Model 4
- Use the "ML1" directory.
- Run "ML1xtreg.m" in the Matlab environment.
**Model 5
- Use the "ML2" directory.
- Run "ML2xtreg.m" in the Matlab environment.
Download all the replication files